Friday, December 3, 2010


I just played a few games of ultimate with some Japanese college team.  They do serious stretches and run drills before scrimmage games.  They are good, more than I am, because I'm not good, but I still scored two MOTHER FUCKING points.  I might be even be on their team now?  Or at the very least be invited to play with them for the biggest Ultimate competition in Japan that takes place here in Fuji City.  80+ teams playing, sometimes people from America come!

No pictures, but they practice every single Saturday, so I'll likely take some next time.

But for now, I give you video from 2008's competition from YOUTUBE!

bgoods9956 had this to say about the action at 3:20: "Holy crap!"

1 comment:

Roigcop said...

Holy shit they're amazing.