Wednesday, November 26, 2008

T minus 2 days!

I'm all for the raffle and I can't wait to see the shirts. I've also got another game up my sleeve. I was thinking of keeping it a secret, but I'll spill the beans!
Pin the stache on the GAP model!!

When I woke up this morning, I rolled over and laid my eyes on one of the two enormous posters of a gap model's face that I have in my room. The very first thought that came to my head was "pin the tail on the donkey." It seemed so perfect! So one of the models will be joining us at Stachegiving and we can play a rousing game of Pin the Stache on the GAP Model!

As far as the raffle goes, should we do it the same as we did last year? Everyone brings one item that they think other people might like (If I may commend James Curry on the mini-gaming system from last year), not something that they're just trying to get rid of (Last year I got a wrist guard). It doesn't have to be new; in fact, I personally prefer gently used items. Everyone who brings in an item gets to pick a number that corresponds to one of the fabulous prizes, and voila!, you got yourself a Stachegiving present!

One last thing: Since a couple of the lucky bloggies have noted their great prizes in contests lately, I'd like to announce that my dad just found out that he was the Grand Prize winner in the "Home Field Advantage" sweepstakes from Publix! He won a trip to NY for 2 nights/ppl to see the Dolphins play the Jets. We're also getting a 32 inch flat screen TV and an Xbox 360 and having a football party here with former Dolphin players, courtesy of Publix!

Can't wait to see most of you at Stachegiving! For the rest of you, the solo stache I've been rocking for the last month hasn't just been for me, it's been for every man, woman, and child who can't or doesn't qualify to attend Stachegiving.

I haven't seen my upper lip in 5 months and I couldn't be happier.

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