Monday, January 12, 2009

Wassup rockers?!?

It's been a while since I posted anything on here! I just saw the lineup for Harvest of Hope fest, which is in St. Augustine on March 6-8. Really good lineup, I think, and its fairly cheap. I think I'll be going to the first couple days of it. Some highlights of the lineup:
Against Me! (of "Stop. Take some time to think..." fame)
Bad Brains (Guess they're not banned in north central Florida!)
Propagandhi (I don't think I like any of their music after 1995)
The National (Aug likes em I think)
Girl Talk (Go DJ!)
Paint it Black (You can never have too many stage dives!)
Bouncing Souls
Bomb The Music Industry!
Fake Problems

Check it out at

On a personal note, the president of Harvest of Hope is one of my professors so I think I'll be able to volunteer! Anyone find this enticing?!?!


Roigcop said...

I'm down to go!

superfriendshipsunshineexpress said...

Fake Problems!!! I was going to see them at the last FEST but it got so crowded they stopped letting people in!

gabe2k said...

i'll be there in spirit