Friday, February 6, 2009

On the road!

Rumor has it that I'll be making appearances in both Miami and Tallahassee over the next few weeks. I might be spending next weekend down south.
To my Talahousey bloggies: What's a good weekend to see your favorite terrible twosome from Gville up in our state's capital?

Gabe: I'll be in Baghdad the first weekend of March. See you there? J/K papo, but I am eagerly awaiting that first post from Iraq. I hope everything is going well!

Other than that, I think we need to find a way to get Chris on the blog. Either that, or we should convince him to start an "expecting father" blog.

In recent Jake news, I had my first experience in snow on Monday!! I was driving back from a trip and we drove through some snow in Georgia. You know I pulled over and ripped my shirt off and ran around in it!!!
That's it for now. XOXO 123 143

One last thing. Today's my dad's bday!


Roigcop said...

Hey two weeks from now sound good? Today is Dax's birthday as well! I miss you buddy boy.


Kramer said...

Sounds good to me, don't forget to bring your smiles!