Friday, November 7, 2008


So tonight at a bar some random bro came up to me and told me to trim my stache. Needless to say, I was absolutely offended.


superfriendshipsunshineexpress said...

Did this critique come from a mustachioed man, or from an armchair quarterback? Kudos to you for the story ending where it did, and not "so i slapped him like a whore".

gabe2k said...

how dare he...some peoples kids these day im just happy you kept your kool under the heat

Kramer said...

He was very clean shaven and obviously had no idea what he was talking about.

Roigcop said...

what bar was this?? Bulls?

Kramer said...


TEtRiSdRagOn said...

next time tell him "you need to trim your attitude Mr."

jramertron said...

I think you should have thanked him. Sounds like a compliment to me!